Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A New Survey - Cheap Women Increasing by 100%

The future is bright when your daughter's role model is Paris Hilton,
Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan and not Alicia Keys. Laurence Fishburne's
19 year-old daughter, Montana, is releasing a sex tape. She thinks the
sex tape will help her be successful. I think I've died and gone to
heaven. Got to wipe this drool off my pants. We need more hoes, sluts,
and bitches and more men to lose all respect for women. LunarRyder loves
women willing to sell themselves very very cheap.

Beiber's memoir is goin' to be Juicy?

Bieber's memoir is been released in October. I can't wait for all the dirty secrets, women, sex tapes, drug abuse and the the story when his mother breast fed in. Or the time he was arrested running around the living room naked.  Oh...I can't wait. I will be the first one inline for the paperback.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Talk About Taking Out The Garbage

Your boss loves you until you become useless or replaceable. That's would be great slogan for corporate America. Ontario woman fired after she was diagnosed with breast cancer by Weston Property management Corp.

I would have just dropped her off at a landfill...hopefully she'd find a another job and a cure. Employers give you a job now they are suppose to see if they can accommodate you and your sickness. Businesses need all the profit to go their CEO, bribe funds, offshore accounts, prostitutes, and legal bills, and not some blue collar insignificant pawn that gets paid minimum wage. Pawns can either fuck the king or the king fucks them.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

When did man become so smart with personal info

It took pick-pockerter 30sec to steal personal info about people. now, people just hand it to them without a pointed gun.
Hey social media, take my real D.O.B,full name, friends, family and even my DNA. As a bonus, let me throw in a live feed of my bedroom where I screwed a Jennifer Lopez look-a-like.
So Lately, social networking sites have been telling users that user privacy is important
but it isn't true as the Wall Street Journal discovered Thursday 20th that several social networking sites are sharing, with advertisers, information that can be used to identify individuals.
Recent news, 60% say they would quit facebook.

Anyone who breaksups with LunarRyder....will pay

Will pay a non-refundable fee of $10000 from $0 due to getting personally F%^&$ by Goldman Sachs & Obama.
AT&T's early termination fees on new and renewing smartphone and netbook customers will jump from $175 to $325 on June 1, following similar actions by other carriers,

Friday, May 14, 2010

Auctioning Virginity.... Interesting

Auctioning virginity. Not sure if this is business savvy or frightening. Not sure if there is a website dedicated to this stuff,"Don't even send me a link...I mean it, don't. ;)", but there's probably a market for this.

It's no different from getting a hooker. But add the word virginity, it could turn a grown man or woman into a kid again. Great idea if the girl, boy or gay boy knows
what they are getting into and are age of 17+.

Happy de-flowering.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Poke & Bleed", torture org, needs investors & clients

Need investors for my torture org. The worlds gov. are outsorcing torture. There's money to be made here, ppl. I'll call it "Poke & Bleed"